Through this tab it is possible to set all the parameters about the production job order creation management and the way in which it is necessary to manage the phases after the generation of the same job orders. Some of the settings in this tab are taken from the MPS Parameters window in the following section Home -> Parameters -> Production.
In Method of Job Order Generation section it is necessary to set the Job Order Type (Monoproduct/Multiproduct) that has to be proposed into the MPS Definition Parameters tab. At the moment of MPS Definition Parameters generation it is possible to edit this setting as the one related to the subsequent combo box called 'Grouping Products for', through which it is possible also to indicate the way in which items have to be grouped within the same Monoproduct or Multiproduct Job Order.
In case that the job order type is Monoproduct, it is possible to group only per Item: this management type enables the user to generate automatically by systema series of monoproduct job orders, by selecting a sales order lines list, lines from Sales Forecasts or Master Production Schedule or from Safesty Stock. In this way each generated job order will have the quantities amout required for the same item. The grouped end date of a job order is always the same as the one of the requirement closest than the date of the elaboration
In case that the job order type is Multiproduct the groupings can be performed per customer, sales job order, customer/job order and enable the user to insert into the same Multiproduct job order more items from sales order lines linked to the same customer, to the same sales job order or to the same customer of the same sales job order.
Starting from the 'Forecast' the 'Update Existing Job Orders' flag enables the user to launch the general schedule on job orders generated automatically from that tab and that have still the Not Examined or Scheduled status.
Just below the user can set through the use of specific flags if the job order has to be generated from Sales Orders or from forecast (Sales Forecast, Master Production Schedule) or from Safety Stock. In this case it is possible to use a particular alghoritmus dedicated to the 'Safety Stock' tab.
As regards the activation of 'Forecast' it is possible also to decide with which time mode the production job orders have to be generated through the activation of the radio button, whose operation is specified hereinafter:
Monthly: in this case the production job order will be generated according to the same month as the one of the Sales Forecast end date or belonging to the month in which the Master Production Schedule quantity has been inserted. Through the automatic job order creation procedure, the user can also set the precisely day in which it is necessary to set the estimated end date of the same job order
Weekly: in this case a production job order will be generated according to the same week as the the one of the Sales Forecast end date or belonging to the month in which the Master Production Schedule quantity has been inserted. Through the automatic job order creation procedure, the user can also set the precisely day in which it is necessary to set the estimated end date of the same job order
Real: in this case a production job order will be generated according to the same week as the the one of the Sales Forecast end date or belonging to the month in which the Master Production Schedule quantity has been inserted, but considering exactly the end date of the single Sales Forecast line
Weekly, considering production days of delivery zone: in this case a production job order will be generated by considering production days of delivery zone linked to the customer for which the Sales Forecast has been created
The Grouping Forecasts by Customers flag is necessary to generate the production job orders by grouping the forecast lines of the same customers.
The Generate Job Order on previous month/week flag, if active, enables the user to create the production job order, that has been generated by Sales Forecast or by Master Production Schedule, in the previous month of forecast or of Master Schedule, or in the previous week compared with the one of the Sales Forecast end date.
In If the delivery date is not specified section, that regards the Sales Orders tab of the MPS Definition, the user can decide if, in case of missed 'ready goods date' in the sales order line analyzed by the procedure, it is necessary to ignore the line without date; if it is necessary to accept a certain date as estimated job order end or start date.
The Consider Item Availability flag, if active, enables the user to show the item availability for all MPS Definition tabs according to the production job order estimated end date, that will be created. The same situation happens into the Summary tab. The availability is considered according to the 'MPS Paramters' tab (Subcontratcor, Purchase, Sales, Production, Warehouse).
Just below it is possible to view the Warehouses for Job Order Scheduling where there are the warehouses inserted into the 'Calculate Availability' window, that is located in the path Home -> Utilities -> Calculate Availability. Starting from this Parameters tab it is possible only to view and not edit them.
The Production Site combo box enables the user to consider the availability to the job order generation procedure according to the Production Site, if used.
The Calculate Quantity according to EOQ flag, if active, enables the procedure to generate the production job order by considering: first, the purchase economic order quantity inserted into the preferential vendors tab on the default vendor, in case that the item analyzed in MPS Definition has 'Purchase' or 'Subcontractor' as Procurement Type; second, the production economic order quantity inserted into MRP Parameters, in case that the job order has 'Production' as Procurement Type.
The Calculate Quantity according to item multiples flag, if active, enables the procedure to generate the production job order considering: first, the multiples of the purchase economic order quantity inserted into preferential vendors tab on the default items vendor, in case that the job order item has 'Purchase' or 'Subcontractor' Procurement Type; and second, the production economic lot multiples inserted into MRP Parameters, in case that the item analyzed in MPS Definition has 'Production' as Procurement type. Obviously this flag can be activated only if the flag, above mentioned, is active.
The Replenish Item Minimum Stock flag, if active, enables the user to replenish the minimum stock for the analyzed item in MPS Definition and inserted into the Item Register Procurement tab.
The Replenish Item ROL flag, if active, enables the user to replenish the reorder level for the analyzed item in MPS Definition and inserted into the Item Register Procurement tab.
The Exclude Delayed Orders flag, if active, enables the generation procedure of the production job order to exclude from the item availability calculation the quantities that come from sales order lines, whose Ready Goods Date is previous than the current date.
BuildDate : 23 marzo 2021